Papua New Guinea Peaberry Coffee

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Size: 16 oz.
Grind: Whole Bean
Subtotal: $22.99

Papua New Guinea Peaberry Coffee is the Peaberry version of the Papua New Guinea Coffee. The original Papua New Guinea Coffee seedlings were from a Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee tree that was planted in 1927. The local conditions were very similar to the its native environments and produced a complex cup that recalls the outstanding Blue Mountain style at a more affordable price. This fine coffee displays a pungent mango and papaya fruity aroma with a clean full-bodied flavor. Papua New Guinea Coffee is both sweet and floral. Papua New Guinea, often abbreviated PNG, occupies the eastern half of the island of New Guinea.

Certifications: Kosher Certified

Flavor Notes: Pungent Mango, and Papaya

Processing: Washed Process

Roast: Medium Roast

Additional Information:

  • Drying: Sun Dry Process
  • Farm: Various Smallholder Farms
  • pH: 5.0
  • Single Origin Coffee
  • Peaberry Coffee: What is a Peaberry Coffee? Peaberry coffee beans are unique and have a much richer flavor. They are only found in 5% of the crop and are removed manually. The flavor of the peaberry is of a finer quality than the rest of the crop and is desired by coffee connoisseurs.

Papua New Guinea Peaberry Coffee

Papua New Guinea Peaberry Coffee


Papua New Guinea Peaberry Coffee

Size: 16 oz.
Grind: Whole Bean

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