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Specialty Coffee Blog by Volcanica Coffee

USA Today article with Volcanica Coffee

by Aaron Contreras 17 Jun 2021 0 Comments

Amazon asked us to help promote their Amazon Prime Day with small businesses and the below article appears in USA Today.

Volcanica Coffee is a specialty retailer of exotic coffees sourced from volcanic regions around the world. The mineral-rich soil in these locales produces aromatic and truly remarkable flavors, explained Maurice Contreras, the company’s founder and president. 

“We are a family-owned business that started in our garage in 2004,” said Contreras, who set up shop on Amazon back in 2009. “Amazon has resulted in a new avenue of sales and introduced us to many new customers. We started slow, but the momentum kept building each year. As we realized the potential, we added more coffees.”

Volcanica currently carries more than 100 different coffees in their store on Amazon, spanning single-origin, estate, peaberry, decaf and flavored brews. 

Prime Day results in “significant” traffic for the small business, Contreras noted – and as much as a 20-30% boost in sales. 

“We treat this as a Black Friday sale with an enormous surge in a short amount of time,” he said. 

To prepare for Prime Day, Volcanica is reviewing listings, increasing advertising budgets and ramping up supply to cover the expected surge.

Read the entire article here.

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